Short & Sweet 5 Day Pre-Summer Re-Set
June 7th-June 11th

 2 zoom movement classes and 2 recordings of movement classes

A simple, realistic, delicious 5 day easy-to- follow meal plan for real life busy women!

Zoom group coaching sessions that include guided Tapping (EFT) and and an amazing supportive community! PLUS daily journal prompts emailed to you!

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Step 2: Billing Address

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I'm Katia, your Holistic Nutritionist, Mindset Coach, Movement Instructor and Mama of 4 boys, My passion is empowering women to implement fast, realistic, impactful self care practices into their busy lives so they can optimize their physical and mental well-being and live life to the fullest. 
I am honored to guide women on their journey towards learning about the healing power of food, the medicinal qualities of movement, and the ability we all have to alter our minds to get to a stronger, happier place, Join me in the revolution of women who are choosing to take care of themselves as well as they deserve to be! xoxoxo katia
© Joyspace by katia
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